Redundancy – What to do if you find yourself there?

Redundancy – not exactly a positive topic but a common one due to the current jobs in New Zealand climate. Often a taboo subject that most of us don’t want to believe we would ever have to experience but it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom! At HOME we have discussed the positives and how to keep moving if we find ourselves there.


Using this time to research into different conferences and events that might be relevant for the next chapter in your career. Firstly, networking with or without a job is always beneficial for your career as you never know who you might meet or learn from. Networking events are great for meeting likeminded people who may be in the same boat as you, making new friends or you may come across your next employer! Finding jobs in New Zealand can often come about through word of mouth.


Maybe you have been putting off studying something new that has always interested you over the past few years as work has got in the way. Studying could always contribute towards a career change which might help you get your foot in the door for something new. Keeping the brain working and yourself productive will definitely help get through the quieter life you might find yourself in.

Recruitment Agencies

Doing your research into agencies, looking at the types of roles/industries they work on and finding the best match. With them you can perfect your CV and talk through interview tips whilst they help you find your next position. Agencies will have access to roles that aren’t necessarily advertised on your usual job boards as they have such great relationships with their clients so a great way to make connections with your ideal company!


Maybe you can freelance through your trade or you have a side hustle that you can start to make some more money from?! Recruitment Agencies are also great to help you find temporary/contract work in the interim. People tend to shy away from temporary work due to longevity but more often than not, temporary work will become permeant.

Take a break

This is one of the best times to be able to take a career break. Spend time with friends and family, maybe do some domestic travelling (or international depending on COVID!) and just generally doing something for YOU! Going through a redundancy can be tough, you deserve to take a break and do things that make you happy – your mental health will thank you later!

If you have found yourself in a similar position, please email Let’s book in a call or coffee, go over your CV and work out your next steps!


Are references still useful?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is more complex and takes into consideration a number of different perspectives. Firstly, a reference is just one tool to assist in the decision-making of a recruitment process of 30 steps – if the process is being done well.

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Redundancy – What to do if you find yourself there?

Redundancy – not exactly a positive topic but a common one due to the current jobs in New Zealand climate. Often a taboo subject that most of us don’t want to believe we would ever have to experience but it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom! At HOME we have discussed the positives and how to keep moving if we find ourselves there.

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