Virtual recruitment and onboarding

Virtual recruitment, the way forward?

COVID-19 has changed the way we do business, however there are still roles that need to be filled even when we are not all able to be in one work location together. Though it can be concerning bringing someone on board that you have never met in person, virtual recruitment is a solution in this case and onboarding is not a completely new idea for many, it may now be the way forward with flexible working becoming a stronger possibility for businesses following the COVID-19 lockdown period.

Virtual recruitment could in fact be seen as an advantage rather than a disadvantage, bringing time for progress and improvement where processes must be refined for the best possible outcomes. Define your objectives for your recruitment process and then identify any weaknesses in the process in order to adapt effectively to this new digital world. 

Your virtual recruitment checklist

Keep the following in mind to ensure a successful move to virtual recruitment:

  •  Be confident – trust in this process and your candidates will also

  • Identify weaknesses – improve on any weaknesses lurking as a digital process will only magnify issues

  • Identify strengths – what makes your company unique? Apply this into the process

  • What makes your key performers stand out – identify characteristics and skills in your top performers and look for this in your new hire, utilise personality and skill tests digitally

  • Ask the right questions – use digital recruitment to ask all of the right questions resulting in precise and pinpointed for the best outcomes

  • Check the candidates IT – check your candidate has a good quality internet or phone connection and avoid awkward dropouts 

  • Check references prior – check the candidates LinkedIn profile or references prior to booking an interview

  • Plan your digital onboarding – have a plan and let your candidate know you have a one. Right now employees need trust that you can provide security in their lives

Digital recruitment can have much higher ROI and extended reach to candidates when done correctly. Don’t forget the added element of trust that can be created between employer and employee through a time of uncertainty, resulting in a loyal relationship that could last long past the current climate.

What to keep in mind when virtually onboarding

Thinking past the point of interviewing is key as your new hire will be looking for security and leadership, especially in any climate of change or new working practices for your business.  

Here are some tips to achieve a successful digital onboarding:

  • Again, be confident – trust in this process and your candidates will too

  • Onboarding Package – send an onboarding package and include all processes and procedures documented for ease

  • IT Setup – have all tech sent prior to onboarding and ensure a good connection is available as well as IT logins being set up prior

  • Communicate – prior and during the recruitment process to ensure you communicate with your new hire more than you believe necessary, preferably doing this via video calls. Also be transparent in communication to enable trust to be built between the business and your new hire.

  • Set Timelines and Goals – schedule training, goals and timelines for any expectations to ensure progress

  • Bond – the most trialing part of virtual onboarding will be bonding for the team so be creative. Make use of any apps such as WhatsApp or MS Teams on a more relaxed level and still have those Friday drinks

  • Mentors – A Manager should always be available but top up communication and support with a buddy and/or mentor for the new hire 

If you have identified and rectified all possible areas of downfall beforehand and have confidence in the process, then there is no reason digital onboarding should be anything but a welcome and progressive step in your organisation.

Let’s talk digital recruitment and on-boarding

Call us to chat about our thoughts on digital recruitment and onboarding.  We would love to guide you through this process in these uncertain times. Call +64 (0)9 930 9433 or email us at [email protected] to talk recruitment or just to chat through this topic. 

Take care, stay safe and speak soon!

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